identify and state the value of musical notes.ģ. Next Lesson – Introduction to Moulding Objects (Primary 3)ġ.When semi-quavers are beside quavers, they can be joined together to show the underlying crotchet. They can also be joined together as a group of 2: Or a group of 4: It will depend on the other notes around them as to whether it will be a group of two or four. To conclude the lesson for the week, the teacher revises the entire lesson and links it to the following week’s lesson. Semi-quavers are also joined into groups but with a double beam.What are you looking for Track your order.
Free shipping for any orders above 60.00. Teacher’s/Pupil’s Activities – Clap the rhythmic pattern of the music note. Demi Semi Hemi Demi Semi Quaver shirts, apparel, posters are available at LOFITEE.
Teacher’s/Pupil’s Activities – Draw each of the musical notes.ĥ. Pupil’s Activities – Identify the musical values and their values.Ĥ. Guides pupils to identify the musical values and their values. Pupil’s Activities – Sing along with the teacher.ģ. Leads pupils to sing baa baa black sheep. Based on this, he/she asks the pupils some questions Ģ. To introduce the lesson, the teacher revises the previous lesson. Semibreves are whole notes, minims are half notes, crotchets are quarter notes, quavers are eighth notes, semi-quavers are 16th notes, demi-semi quavers are. To deliver the lesson, the teacher adopts the following steps:ġ. Teacher’s/Pupil’s Activities – Guides pupils to draw the musical notes. Value of Hemidemisemiquaver – It worth half of the value of a demisemiquaver, i.e. Value of Demisemiquaver – It worth half of the value of a semiquaver, i.e. The duration of the sound depends on the note’s length (or values), which is specified by its shape, stem, or flag(s) and to every music note, there is an equivalent rest sign. Music notes are symbols in the staff indicating the length of music notes. Note – Irrespective of choosing methods of teaching, always introduce an activities that will arouse pupil’s interest or lead them to the lessons. METHOD OF TEACHING – Choose a suitable and appropriate methods for the lessons. The teacher will teach the lesson with the aid of: identify and state the value of music note. Identification and Drawing of Musical Notesīy the end of the lesson, the pupils should have attained the following objectives (cognitive, affective and psychomotor) and should be able to –ġ. Introductory Activities – Singing Baa Baa Black SheepĢ. PREVIOUS LESSON – The Values of Musical Notes – Quaver and Semi Quaver (Primary 3)ġ.